Wednesday 22 February 2012

Monster Legends.

There are countless numbers of "Monster" Sightings reported throughtout the world. Reports date back to the early 1800's. It seems regardless if it is a Water Monster or a Land Monster there is never a clear picture or enough evidence.

Some People Say this is Ogopogo
Some Say it's A Reflection
But what about the people who are credible? People not known to lie or bring attention to themselves. What about the retired NASA Scientist who can't explain the "happenings" in his garage? Sometimes I guess seeing is believing, unfortunately you can't always have a camera or proof. And that is a whole other story.
What Ogopogo
is Thought to Look Like
Ogopogo is said to live in Okenagan Lake in BC Canada. The size of the lake and the depth make it difficult to prove this Dinosaur Looking Creature actually exists. The lake is about 100 miles long and in some areas over 1000 feet deep.

Native Americans say he live in an underwater cave in the middle of the lake in one of the deepest areas. Although later European settlers gave different locations the Native's theory seem to be the most likely if he is in the lake. 

In the early 2000's there was an award offered by businesses surrounding the lake. It is recorded at a million or 2 million. This is quite the award for an animal that may not exist. Just from 1995 - 2000 there are 9 or more sightings reported.

Native's in the area call him "Lake Demon"

Indian legend has it that the large lake creature, Ogopogo, was originally a demon possessed man who had murdered a well known and respected local man named "Old Kan-He-Kan." In memory of this man, his people named Our beautiful lake "Okanagan." To pay for his sins, the Indian gods changed the murderer into a lake serpent so he would forever be at the scene of his crime and suffer eternal remorse. The creature's name became "N'ha-A-Itk" which roughly translates into sacred creature of the water, water god or lake demon.   CLICK HERE FOR MORE

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